Stakeholder interviews

Uncovering your intranet opportunities with Stakeholder Interviews

Stakeholder interviews will enable us to investigate ways in which your intranet can add value within your business. Our experienced consultants will sit down, in a series of one to one interviews with your stakeholders, to uncover opportunities to streamline business processes and increase communication.

What happens during the interviews?

Each interview lasts approximately 30 to 45 minutes and will cover a broad range of topics. The questions we ask will vary based on the role of the person being interviewed, we enable them to share real experiences and knowledge of their roles. As we are external to your business we often find that staff are more willing to share ideas and challenges without being influenced by internal politics.

Who is involved?

To get the most from your interviews we look to involve a cross section of your intranet audience. Each organisation is different in both its culture and the scope of its intranet project. As a general rule we look to include about 1.5 to 3% of your organisation in these interviews.

What is the result of the interviews?

The stakeholder interviews inform the requirements of your project. The information we capture is written up and aligned with the intranet and business objectives.

As a general rule we usually look to include about 1.5 to 3% of your audience within the interviews. Its more about defining a group of people that represent your organisation, different roles, responsibilities, and people from a local, global, mobile, office based section of your workforce.

In fact you may send more interview packs but only interview a more focussed group.

Most people will answer the same questions, we may interview senior executives, board members or consultants in a slightly different way, focusing more on strategy and the direction of the business.

Questions around their roles, who they communicate with, frustrations and process are best. We don’t attempt to focus on the solution, but rather on the individual needs and persona.

30 to 45 minutes sessions are the most productive, that way we spend enough time to capture answers from these stakeholders, listening what they have to say and keeping it in the scope of your project.
You would normally ask some of the stakeholders to be involved in the next phase (card sorting content) it’s important to take these people with you and get them brought into the project. They have the opportunity to turn into your biggest advocate, helping sell the project to the rest of the business.
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